ACT / SAT Concordance

What is Concordance?

The term “concordance” refers to establishing a relationship between scores on assessments that measure similar (but not identical) constructs. A technically sound concordance allows students and professionals to compare scores from similar assessments to inform decisions. A concorded score is not a perfect prediction of how a student would perform on the other test.

ACT / SAT Concordance

ACT and the College Board have completed a concordance study that is designed to examine the relationship between scores on the ACT test and the SAT. These concordance tables do not equate scores, but rather provide a tool for finding comparable scores.

Convert Your Score

ACT Score
SAT Score

ACT / SAT Score Comparison

Tables A1: SAT Total to ACT Composite
Tables A2: ACT Composite to SAT Total
1600 36
*1590 36
1580 36
1570 36
1560 35
1550 35
*1540 35
1530 35
1520 34
1510 34
*1500 34
1490 34
1480 33
1470 33
*1460 33
1450 33
1440 32
*1430 32
1420 32
1410 31
*1400 31
1390 31
1380 30
*1370 30
1360 30
1350 29
*1340 29
1330 29
1320 28
*1310 28
1300 28
1290 27
*1280 27
1270 27
1260 27
1250 26
*1240 26
1230 26
1220 25
*1210 25
1200 25
1190 24
*1180 24
1170 24
1160 24
1150 23
*1140 23
1130 23
1120 22
*1110 22
1100 22
1090 21
*1080 21
1070 21
1060 21
1050 20
*1040 20
1030 20
1020 19
*1010 19
1000 19
990 19
980 18
*970 18
960 18
950 17
940 17
*930 17
920 17
910 16
900 16
*890 16
880 16
870 15
860 15
*850 15
840 15
830 15
820 14
810 14
*800 14
790 14
780 14
770 13
*760 13
750 13
*740 13
730 13
720 12
*710 12
*700 12
690 12
680 11
*670 11
660 11
650 11
640 10
*630 10
620 10
610 9
600 9
*590 9
36 1590 1570-1600
35 1540 1530-1560
34 1500 1490-1520
33 1460 1450-1480
32 1430 1420-1440
31 1400 1390-1410
30 1370 1360-1380
29 1340 1330-1350
28 1310 1300-1320
27 1280 1260-1290
26 1240 1230-1250
25 1210 1200-1220
24 1180 1160-1190
23 1140 1130-1150
22 1110 1100-1120
21 1080 1060-1090
20 1040 1030-1050
19 1010 990-1020
18 970 960-980
17 930 920-950
16 890 880-910
15 850 830-870
14 800 780-820
13 760 730-770
12 710 690-720
11 670 650-680
10 630 620-640
9 590 590-610
Tables B1: SAT Math to ACT Math
Tables B2: ACT Math to SAT Math
800 36
790 35
*780 35
770 35
760 34
750 33
*740 33
730 32
*720 32
710 31
*700 30
690 30
680 29
670 28
*660 28
650 27
*640 27
630 27
620 26
*610 26
600 25
*590 25
*580 24
570 24
*560 23
550 23
540 22
530 21
520 20
510 19
*500 18
490 18
480 17
*470 17
460 17
450 16
440 16
*430 16
420 16
410 15
*400 15
390 15
380 15
370 14
*360 14
350 14
340 13
*330 13
320 13
*310 12
300 12
290 11
*280 11
270 10
*260 10
36 800
35 780
34 760
33 740
32 720
31 710
30 700
29 680
28 660
27 640
26 610
25 590
24 580
23 560
22 540
21 530
20 520
19 510
18 500
17 470
16 430
15 400
14 360
13 330
12 310
11 280
10 260
Table C1: SAT ERW to ACT English+Reading
Table C2: ACT English+Reading to SAT ERW
800 72
*790 72
780 71
*770 71
760 70
*750 70
740 69
730 68
*720 67
710 66
700 64
690 63
680 61
670 60
660 58
650 57
640 55
630 54
620 52
610 51
600 49
590 48
*580 46
570 45
*560 44
550 43
540 42
530 40
520 39
510 38
500 37
490 35
480 34
470 33
460 32
450 31
440 30
430 29
420 28
410 27
400 26
390 25
380 24
370 23
360 22
350 21
340 20
330 19
320 18
310 17
300 16
290 15
280 14
72 790
71 770
70 750
69 740
68 730
67 720
66 710
65 700
*64 700
63 690
62 680
*61 680
60 670
59 660
*58 660
57 650
56 640
*55 640
*54 630
53 630
52 620
*51 610
50 610
49 600
48 590
47 580
*46 580
45 570
44 560
43 550
*42 540
41 540
40 520
39 520
38 510
*37 500
36 500
35 490
34 480
33 470
32 460
31 450
30 440
29 430
28 420
27 410
26 400
25 390
24 380
23 370
22 360
21 350
20 340
19 330
18 320
17 310
16 300
15 290
14 280

*Use this SAT score when a single score point comparison is needed.

Note: Concordance tables for the ACT Composite were derived from concordances of the ACT sum score.

Potential Uses of Concordance Tables

A variety of stakeholders use concordance tables to compare scores across the ACT and the SAT to inform policies, processes, and decisions.

  • College counselors, students, and their families use concordance tables to inform college searches and explorations.
  • Policymakers, researchers, and K–12 educators use concordance tables to aggregate scores across tests to measure college readiness for groups of students.
  • Colleges, universities, scholarship organizations, and athletic conferences also use concordances in a variety of ways including determining eligibility for a program or scholarship.

PDF Version

The most recent ACT / SAT concordance tables were released in 2018 and are not updated annually.