ACT WorkKeys - Career Readiness

Nationally-recognized solutions for identifying, certifying, and strengthening core workplace skills.

ACT® WorkKeys® is a system of assessments, curriculum and skills profiling that determine, build, and measure essential workplace skills that can affect your job performance and increase opportunities for career changes and advancement.

Developed with the same knowledge and research expertise responsible for the ACT® test, WorkKeys assessments and training help lead individuals and businesses to success.

Research + Results = Career Readiness

Our solutions are helping strengthen job readiness and skills development for more than 10 million businesses, government agencies, professional associations, education institutions, and individuals in the United States and internationally.

ACT WorkKeys Curriculum

Build Essential Career-Relevant Skills

Help individuals build the essential career-relevant skills needed for learning, personal development and effective job performance with the ACT® WorkKeys® Curriculum. ACT has been working to improve career readiness and close the skills gap for more than 50 years. 

ACT WorkKeys Curriculum is a proven tool for helping individuals acquire skills critical to workplace success. It’s the only curriculum built from the ground up to align with ACT® WorkKeys® Assessments and the ACT® National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC®).

ACT WorkKeys Assessments

Measure Career-Relevant Skills for Workplace Success

WorkKeys Assessments measure foundational skills required for success in the workplace and help measure the workplace skills that can affect job performance.

Each assessment offers varying levels of difficulty. The levels build on each other, incorporating the skills assessed at the previous levels. Most assessments are web-based and most take one hour. They are offered in both English and Spanish.


Foundational Skills for Workforce Preparedness

™Earn, verify, certify, and share the essential foundational skills for workplace success with the ACT® WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate™ (NCRC®)—a portable, evidence-based credential earned by completing and ranking scores in the Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents WorkKeys Assessments.

ACT WorkKeys Job Profiling

Matching Skills to Jobs

Just ask any business leader: skill shortages are an expensive, time-wasting barrier to effective hiring and training. How can employers determine which individuals are the best fit for highly skilled positions, or which workers are the top candidates to receive job-specific training? 

With ACT WorkKeys Job Profiling:

  • Employers can identify skills and skill levels current and prospective employees need to be successful on the job. 
  • Individuals can compare their skill levels to those needed for jobs. 
  • Trainers and trainees can make appropriate decisions about jobs, identify strengths, and set training goals.  

Ready to Enroll in WorkKeys?

Put ACT WorkKeys to work for you and start your enrollment today! Have questions? Talk to an ACT representative to get started.

How ACT Workforce Solutions Benefit You!