ACT Online Prep:
ACT Test Prep in the Classroom
Help Your Students Prepare for the ACT Test
As your students get ready to take the ACT® test, you want them to do their best. You can help your students prepare with ACT® Online Prep—an engaging, interactive test prep program developed by the makers of the ACT using the same research and expertise that has made the ACT the most widely used college entrance exam in the nation.
- Access the program online or through a free mobile app.
- Get flexible, personalized learning paths customized to each student’s needs and test timeframe so they can review material at their own pace.
- Engaging games they can play with other students encourage them to test their knowledge.
How it Works
- Two full-length tests and thousands more practice questions help students become familiar with the ACT format and build their confidence so there are no surprises on test day.
- Track progress at individual and aggregate levels, including time spent and performance on practice questions and tests.
- Use the Educator guide to provide curriculum ideas for incorporating ACT Online Prep for students to improve achievement in English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science
- Teachers can assign work in ACT Online Prep for students to complete as part of test prep within a classroom or as learning enhancement.
- Identify areas in which the entire class may need help.
- Utilize the educator guide that includes curriculum tips for teaching ACT® Online Prep (AOP), how to use the rich formative data that comes from student use of the learning tool to develop additional next-step instructional decisions to promote student success

A New Class of Preparation Using ACT Online Prep
For three years, sophomores at Cedar Mountain High School in rural Minnesota have taken the PreACT®, which predicts their future success on the ACT® test. The following year, these students have a unique opportunity—to enroll in a junior-level class fully dedicated to ACT preparation.
Helping Students Achieve College Success with Intensive Test Prep
For years, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock struggled to retain and graduate minority students, particularly African-American and Hispanic students. Graduation rates hovered around 5% for males and 10% for females. Learn more about how ACT Online Prep helped turn things around.
Research: ACT Online Prep Helps Students on the ACT
Examines how enrollment in AOP is associated with increases in average ACT Composite scores.