ACT's Giving Program Application

The ACT Giving Program accepts applications each year from September 1 to June 1 of the following year or until the Giving Program budget is depleted. Organizations are eligible to receive funding from ACT once during each application cycle. Therefore, if an organization desires funding for more than one event or project in a given cycle, it should submit a single funding request for all events or projects rather than multiple requests throughout the year.

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Deadline for funding decision (please apply at least 60 days prior to deadline):*


Section 1: Applicant Information


Section 2: Project Information

ACT has the sole discretion to determine what funding to provide, if any. Typically, those selected for funding request and receive less than $5,000.

Other Sources of Funding (amounts to be provided by other sources in addition to amount being requested of ACT.)


Section 3: Project Description

Please refer to the guidelines regarding funding restrictions.


By submitting this application, you agree that:

  • The applying organization is, and will remain in, compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations.
  • If funds are awarded, the applying organization will use the funding only for the purpose(s) described in the application.
  • The applying organization will not promote or engage in violence or terrorism, nor make sub-grants or give funding to any entity that engages in these activities.


Please provide your organization’s IRS tax exemption determination letter and W-9. Send PDFs to