ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign Seeking Applications for Postsecondary and Employer Awards

IOWA CITY, Iowa—The 2016-2017 ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign is now underway and seeking applications from all postsecondary institutions and employers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This year’s campaign—which opened on October 3—will accept applications through Dec. 31, 2016.

The annual campaign provides states with a platform to recognize exemplary college and career readiness efforts among individuals and groups in four categories: students, high schools, postsecondary institutions and employers.

“It is gratifying and humbling work for our ACT State Councils to help identify people doing extraordinary things in their communities,” said Scott Montgomery, ACT senior vice president of public affairs. “Students, faculty and staff can play a role in this process by nominating deserving individuals and institutions, including their own schools, employers, or even themselves.”

The postsecondary institution and employer categories are open to anyone to apply. ACT identifies candidates for the student and high school awards based on data students provide when they take the ACT test.

Interested applicants should demonstrate how their postsecondary institution or organization is serving as an example to others to help improve college and career readiness for all learners.

Postsecondary institutions that are implementing innovative solutions for student success, helping students build problem-solving and other types of skills, and building strong relationships with local high schools and employers can nominate themselves for their state’s ACT Career Preparedness Award. Colleges, programs and departments within any postsecondary institution are eligible to apply, in addition to the institution itself.

Similarly, employers that are implementing innovative solutions for employee success, providing opportunities for employees to acquire new knowledge and skills, and building strong relationships with local high schools and colleges can apply for their state’s ACT Workplace Success Award.

ACT State Council members are charged with leading the campaign and driving application efforts. Comprised of education and workforce professionals in each state, ACT State Councils serve as the selection committee to determine and recognize state exemplars each year.

Applicants will be notified by mid-February if they have been selected as a state exemplar. All state exemplars receive statewide recognition and have the opportunity to be selected for national recognition and honored at an ACT recognition event in October 2017 in Iowa City, Iowa.

Those interested may visit ACT's website to learn more about the campaign and are invited to contact with questions.