ACT State and Federal Programs
State and Federal Programs
State and Federal Programs is dedicated to positioning ACT as a thought leader at the national and state levels to inform and influence education and workforce policymaking.
State and Federal Programs is made up of four interrelated units staffed by experts in:
- policy development
- federal and state government relations
- outreach to states and national organizations
Together, State and Federal Programs provides insights and resources to states, workforce and education entities, and other organizations to help individuals navigate their education and career pathways.
Latest Research & Policy Briefs
ACT Policy Platforms
Promoting education and workplace success
ACT has articulated policy recommendations in the form of policy platforms in four areas: K–12 education, higher education, career and technical education, and workforce development. The platforms are an essential part of the ACT mission to help people achieve education and workplace success.
These platforms are informed by ACT’s unique experience and research in education and workforce assessment, as well as industry-wide best practices, in order to focus on the challenge of ensuring that students are prepared for college and the workforce. Each of these policy platforms focuses on specific goals, but they are also interrelated components of a unified approach to improving an individual's success throughout his or her lifetime.
Join the conversation
K-12 Education
Our nation’s prosperity requires states to respond to the challenge of ensuring all students are prepared for postsecondary education and the workforce.
Higher Education
All students must be able to navigate the college-going and financial aid processes in order to complete a postsecondary credential.
Higher Education Platform (PDF)
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
CTE has tremendous potential to improve education and workplace success, but it must be high-quality and all students must have equal
access to CTE programs.
Workforce Development
The workforce must be prepared to meet the changing demands of the American economy, and workers must have the skills needed for sustainable, family-supporting careers.
Previous Policy Pieces
- Preparation Matters Most in STEM (PDF) (May 2017)
- Including Measures of Student Behavioral Skills in Accountability Systems (PDF) (May 2016)
- Ready to Move Forward Together: Report from a Convening of AASA, The School Superintendents Association and American Association of Community Colleges (PDF) (April 2017)
- Education and Career Navigation: Critical for Student Progress and Success (PDF)
- State Legislatures Opting in to Opting Out (PDF) (September 2016)
- State Adoption and Implementation of K–2 Assessments (PDF) (March 2016)
- Using Dual Enrollment to Improve the Educational Outcomes of High School Students (PDF) (December 2015)
- Opt-Outs: What Is Lost When Students Do Not Test (PDF) (November 2015)
- The Legality of Using School-Wide Growth Measures in Teacher Evaluation Systems (PDF) (November 2015)
- Reviewing Your Options: The Case for Using Multiple-Choice Test Items (PDF) (August 2015)
- ACT Work Ready Communities: A Summary of the 2014 Survey Results (PDF) (September 2015)
State Organizations
Be a voice, make a difference.
Our vision is to eliminate the skills gap by connecting the outcomes of K-12 and postsecondary to career opportunities. Join thousands of education and workforce professionals in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, on this quest.