ACT Online Prep Success Stories
A New Class of Preparation Using ACT Online Prep
For three years, sophomores at Cedar Mountain High School in rural Minnesota have taken the PreACT®, which predicts their future success on the ACT® test. The following year, these students have a unique opportunity—to enroll in a junior-level class fully dedicated to ACT preparation.
Helping Students Achieve College Success with Intensive Test Prep
For years, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock struggled to retain and graduate minority students, particularly African-American and Hispanic students. Graduation rates hovered around 5% for males and 10% for females. Learn more about how ACT Online Prep helped turn things around.
Student Uses ACT Online Prep During Senior Year to Boost ACT Score
Gavin Baudoin decided to take the ACT test one last time as a high school senior and used ACT Online Prep to help him prepare. He successfully increased his ACT test score from 28 to 33. Now a mechanical engineering major at the University of Louisiana, Gavin explains how ACT Online Prep helped him strengthen his preparation and confidence to shore up his scores in English and science.