Preparing for PreACT Secure

The PreACT Secure test consists of four multiple-choice sections—English, math, reading, and science. Each multiple-choice section contains questions with either four or five answers from which you are to choose the correct or best answer.

Test Questions and Minutes per Test

  • English: 48 questions, 35 minutes
  • Math: 38 questions, 45 minutes
  • Reading: 33 questions, 40 minutes
  • Science: 36 questions, 35 minutes

Testing with One and One-Half Time

Testing with one and one-half time is available on the multiple-choice sections for students with diagnosed disabilities and/or limited English proficiency. If you’re approved for one and one-half time, you will have 50% additional time to complete each section.

  • English: 48 questions, 55 minutes
  • Math: 38 questions, 70 minutes
  • Reading: 33 questions, 55 minutes
  • Science: 36 questions, 55 minutes



ACT endorses the Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education and the Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement, which guide the conduct of those involved in educational testing. ACT is committed to ensuring that each of its testing programs upholds the guidelines in each Code. You may locate copies of these Codes through the following organizations:

  • Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education: American Psychological Association (
  • Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement: National Council on Measurement in Education (

Test-Taking Strategies and Tips

Get familiar with the content of the sections.

Review the information on this webpage. Note which content areas make up a large proportion of the sections. The topics included in each content area are examples of possible topics; they don’t include all possibilities.

Update your knowledge and skills in the content areas.

Review content areas that you’ve studied but aren’t fresh in your mind. Refresh your knowledge in the content areas that make up large portions of the test.

Know what to expect on test day.

Review this webpage well in advance of the PreACT Secure.

Practice beforehand.

Take the online practice tests, time yourself, and review your responses using the answer keys.

Be well rested.

Get plenty of rest the night before the test.

Pace yourself. 

It’s important that you have enough time to read the passages/questions and figure out your responses.

  • For each section, subtract the number of minutes you estimate you will spend skimming the passages or reading the information provided, then divide the total number of remaining minutes allowed by the number of questions to determine the estimated time you should spend on each question.
  • If possible, spend less time on each question and use the remainingtime allowed for a section to review your work and return to the questions in that section that were most difficult for you.
  • The time limits set for each section give nearly everyone enough time to finish all questions. However, you will want to pace yourself to avoid spending too much time on one passage or puzzling over an answer to a specific problem. Go on to other questions and come back if there’s time.

Read the directions carefully.

Before you begin each section, read the directions carefully.

  • The English, reading, and science sections ask for the BEST answer. Read and consider all of the answer choices and choose the answer that best responds to the question.
  • The math section asks for the CORRECT answer. You may want to work out the answer you feel is correct and look for it among the choices given. If your answer isn’t among the choices provided, reread the question and consider all the answer choices.

Read each question carefully.

You need to understand exactly what each question asks. Some questions will require you to go through several steps to find the correct or best answer, while others can be answered more quickly.

Answer the easy questions first.

A good strategy is to answer the easy questions and skip the ones you find difficult. After answering the easy questions, go back and answer the more difficult questions if you have time.

Use logic on more difficult questions.

When you return to the more difficult questions, try to use logic to eliminate incorrect answers. Compare the answer choices to each other and note how they differ. This may provide clues as to what the question requires. Eliminate as many incorrect answers as you can, then make an educated guess from the remaining answers.

Answer every question.

Your scores in the sections will be based only on the number of questions scored that you answer correctly; there’s no penalty for guessing. Try to answer every question within the time allowed for each section.

Review your work. 

If there’s time left after you’ve answered every question in a section, go back and check your work. You will not be allowed to go back to any other section or mark responses to a section after time has been called in that section.

Know Where You Are Going

  • Make sure you know what test room to report to on test day by the scheduled time. Don’t be late for testing.

What to Bring

  • Writing instrument. Bring something to write (like a No. 2 pencil) on the scratch paper provided to you.
  • Watch or other timing device. You may bring a watch to pace yourself, but it may not have an alarm. Your watch or other timing device must be removed and placed on your desk while in the test room, so it remains visible to staff during the test. If your alarm sounds during testing, you will be dismissed, and your answers will not be scored.
  • Calculator. If you wish to use a calculator (which isn’t required), it’s your responsibility to ensure the calculator is permitted according to the ACT Calculator Policy.
  • Foreign language dictionaries. ACT- authorized bilingual dictionaries may be used if approved to test with English Leaner (EL) supports.
  • Snacks. You may consume snacks and drinks outside the test room during the break.

What NOT to Bring

  • Textbooks, dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, or other aids, unless approved to bring a bilingual dictionary
  • Highlighter pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid/tape
  • Any electronic device, other than a permitted calculator
  • Reading material

In the Test Room

  • Your room supervisor will direct you to a seat. If you need a left-handed desk, tell the staff as you enter.
  • Don’t leave the test room after you’ve been admitted.
  • You will be required to put all personal belongings away.
  • Listen carefully to all directions read by the room supervisor. It’s important that you follow all directions carefully.

Prohibited Behavior in the Test Room

The following behaviors can result in dismissal:

  • Not stopping on time: You may not fill in or alter responses to any multiple-choice questions after time has been called.
  • Looking at other test sections: You may not look at any test section outside of the designated time for that test section.
  • Using electronic devices: You may not access an electronic device (other than your testing computer and mouse, when testing online) at any time during testing or during breaks. All other devices must be powered off and placed out of sight from the time you’re admitted to the test room until you’re dismissed.


  • Giving or getting help: You may not give or receive assistance by anymeans. This includes looking at another person’s test.
  • Removing test materials: You may not remove any materials from the test room. You may not discuss or share test questions, answers, or test form identification numbers during test administration, during breaks, or after the test. The test is confidential and remains so even after the test is complete. 
  • Sharing test answers: You may not disclose test questions or answers in any way or at any time, including through social media, in whole or in part.


IMPORTANT: If you’re observed or suspected of engaging in prohibited behavior, you may be dismissed, and your test may not be scored.

Content of the Test Sections

English Section

The English section consists of several essays, or passages, each followed by a set of multiple-choice questions:

  • Some questions refer to the passage as a whole, or to underlined or highlighted portions of the passage and offer several alternatives to that portion. You decide which answer choice is most appropriate in the context of the passage.
  • Many questions offer “NO CHANGE” to the passage as one of the choices.

The English section puts you in the position of a writer who makes decisions to revise and edit a text. Essays in different genres provide a variety of rhetorical situations. These passages are chosen for their appropriateness in assessing writing and language skills and to reflect students’ interests and experiences.

Four scores are reported for the English section: a score for the section overall and three reporting category scores based on specific knowledge and skills. The approximate percentage of the section devoted to each reporting category is shown in the following paragraphs:

Production of Writing (28–33%)

This category requires you to apply your understanding of the purpose and focus of a piece of writing.
  • Topic Development: Demonstrate an understanding of, and control over, the rhetorical aspects of texts. Identify the purposes of parts of texts, determine whether a text or part of a text has met its intended goal, and evaluate the relevance of material in terms of a text’s focus.
  • Organization, Unity, and Cohesion: Use various strategies to ensure that a text is logically organized, flows smoothly, and has an effective introduction and conclusion.

Knowledge of Language (14–19%)

These questions require you to demonstrate effective language use through ensuring precise and concise word choice and maintaining consistency in style and tone.

Conventions of Standard English (50–56%)

These questions require you to apply an understanding of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics to revise and edit text.
  • Sentence Structure and Formation: Apply understanding of sentence structure and formation in a text and make revisions to improve the writing.
  • Punctuation: Recognize common problems with standard English punctuation and make revisions to improve the writing.
  • Usage: Recognize common problems with standard English usage in a text and make revisions to improve the writing.


Be aware of the writing style used in each passage. 

The passages cover a variety of topics and are written in a variety of styles. It’s important that you take into account the writing style used in each passage. When responding to a question, be sure to understand the context of the question. Consider how the sentence containing an underlined or highlighted portion fits in with the surrounding sentences and into the passage as a whole.

Examine the underlined or highlighted portions of the passage. 

In the passage, certain words and phrases are underlined and highlighted. On the right-hand side of the passage, you will find alternatives for the underlined and highlighted text. Before selecting your response, think carefully about what is underlined or highlighted in the text. Consider the elements of writing included in each underlined or highlighted portion.

  • In most cases, you are to choose the one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, or is worded most consistently with the style and tone of the passage as a whole. If you think the original version is best, choose “NO CHANGE.”
  • In some cases, you will find on the right-hand side of the passage a question about the underlined and highlighted text. You are to choose the best answer to the question. Some questions will ask you to choose the alternative to the underlined or highlighted portion that is NOT or LEAST acceptable."

Be aware of questions with no portions.

 You will be asked some questions about a section of the passage or about the passage as a whole, in light of a given rhetorical situation. Questions of this type are often identified by a highlighted asterisk in brackets or by a question number in a box located at the appropriate point in the passage.

  • Questions about the entire passage are placed at the end of the passage. For online testing, similar instructions will appear above the individual questions. For paper testing, these questions are introduced by a horizontal box enclosing the following instruction: “Questions ___ and ___ ask about the preceding passage as a whole.”

Note the differences in the answer choices. 

Many of the questions in the section will involve more than one aspect of writing. Examine each answer choice and how it differs from the others. Be careful not to choose an answer that corrects one error but causes a different error.

Determine the best answer. 

When a question asks you to choose the best alternative to an underlined or highlighted portion, consider the following approach:

  • Decide how the underlined or highlighted portion might best be phrased in standard written English or in terms of the particular question posed.
    • If the underlined or highlighted portion is the best answer, select “NO CHANGE.”
    • If not, check to see whether your phrasing is one of the other answer choices. If you don’t find your phrasing, choose the best of the answers presented.
  • For questions cued by a number in a box or a highlighted asterisk in brackets, decide which choice is most appropriate in terms of the question posed or the stated rhetorical situation.
  • Reread the sentence, using your selected answer. Once you’ve selected the answer you feel is best, reread the corresponding sentence(s) of the passage, inserting your selected answer at the appropriate place in the text to make sure it’s the best answer within the context of the passage.

Math Section

The math section is designed to assess the mathematical skills students have typically acquired in courses taken up to the beginning of Grade 12, with an emphasis on skills acquired in Grades 8, 9, and 10.

These skills span the major content areas that are prerequisites to successful performance in entry-level courses in college mathematics.

Knowledge of basic formulas and computational skills are assumed as background for the problems, but recall of complex formulas and extensive computation aren’t required.

Most questions are self-contained. Some questions may belong to a set of several questions (for example, each about the same graph or chart).

You may use a permitted calculator on the math section. See the Calculator Policy for details about prohibited models and features.

Nine scores are reported for the math section: a score for the section overall and eight reporting category scores based on specific mathematical knowledge and skills. Below is a description of each reporting category and the percentage of questions in the math section that belong to the reporting category.

Preparing for Higher Math (64%)

This category covers the more recent mathematics you are likely learning, starting when you began using algebra as a general way of expressing and solving equations. This category is divided into five subcategories:
  • Number and Quantity (9–15%): Demonstrate knowledge of real and complex number systems. Reason with numerical quantities in many forms, including expressions with integer and rational exponents, vectors, and matrices.
  • Algebra (12–18%): Manipulate and evaluate multiple types of expressions. Interpret and solve many different kinds of equations such as linear, polynomial, radical, and exponential. Find solutions to systems of equations, and apply results to real-world contexts.
  • Functions (12–18%): Demonstrate knowledge of functions: definition, notation, representation, and application. Manipulate and use many types of functions including linear, radical, piecewise, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic. Interpret important features of functions represented symbolically, graphically, or as ordered pairs.
  • Geometry (9–15%): Apply knowledge of shapes and solids, using concepts such congruence, similarity, surface area, and volume. Solve for missing values in triangles, circles, composite objects, and other figures. Use trigonometric ratios and equations of conic sections.
  • Statistics & Probability (9–15%): Describe center and spread of distributions. Apply and analyze data collection methods. Understand and model relationships in bivariate data. Calculate probabilities by recognizing the related sample spaces.

Integrating Essential Skills (36%)

This category focuses on measuring how well you can synthesize and apply your understandings of essential mathematical skills to solve more complex problems. The questions address concepts such as:
  • Rates and percentages
  • Proportional relationships
  • Perimeter, area, and volume
  • Mean and median
  • Expressing numbers in different ways

You will solve non-routine problems that involve combining skills in chains of steps, applying skills in varied contexts, understanding connections, and demonstrating fluency.


This category represents all questions that involve producing, interpreting, understanding, evaluating, and improving models. Each question is also counted in other appropriate math reporting categories. This category is an overall measure of how well you use modeling skills across mathematical topics.

If you use a calculator, use it wisely.

All of the mathematics problems can be solved without a calculator. Many of the problems are best done without a calculator. Use good judgment in deciding when, and when not, to use a calculator. For example, for some problems you may wish to do scratch work to clarify your thoughts on the question before you begin using a calculator to do computations.

Solve the problem.

To work out solutions to the problems, you will usually do scratch work. You may wish to glance over the answer choices after reading the questions. However, working backwards from all five answer choices can take a lot of time and may not be effective.

Find your solution among the answer choices.

If your answer isn’t included among the choices, reread the problem to see whether you missed important information. Pay careful attention to the question being asked. If an equation is to be selected, check to see whether the equation you think is best can be transformed into one of the answer choices provided.

Make sure you answer the question.

The solutions to many questions will involve several steps. Make sure your answer accounts for all the necessary steps. In questions like these an answer choice may be the result of an intermediate step, not the final step.

Make sure your answer is reasonable.

Sometimes an error in computation will result in an answer that isn’t practically possible for the situation described. Always think about your answer to determine whether it’s reasonable.

Check your answer.

You may arrive at an incorrect answer by making common errors in the problem-solving process. If there’s time remaining before the end of the math section, reread the questions and check your answers to make sure they are correct. For example, substitute your answer into an equation you’re asked to solve to see if your answer makes the equation true.

Reading Section

The reading section measures your ability to read closely, reason logically about texts using evidence, and integrate information from multiple sources.

The questions focus on the mutually supportive skills that readers must bring to bear in studying written materials across a range of subject areas. Specifically, questions will ask you to:

  • Determine main ideas.
  • Locate and interpret significant details.
  • Understand sequences of events.
  • Make comparisons.
  • Comprehend cause-effect relationships.
  • Determine the meaning of context-dependent words, phrases, and statements.
  • Draw generalizations.
  • Analyze the author’s or narrator’s voice and method.
  • Analyze claims and evidence in arguments.
  • Integrate information from multiple texts.
Four scores are reported for the reading section: a score for the section overall and three reporting category scores based on specific knowledge and skills. The approximate percentage of the section devoted to each reporting category is shown in the following paragraphs:

Key Ideas & Details (52–60%)

This category requires you to read texts closely to determine central ideas and themes; summarize information and ideas accurately; and show an understanding of relationships and draw logical inferences and conclusions, including understanding sequential, comparative, and cause-effect relationships.

Craft & Structure (28–36%)

These questions ask you to:

  • Determine word and phrase meanings.
  • Analyze an author’s word choice rhetorically.
  • Analyze text structure.
  • Understand the author’s purpose and perspective.
  • Analyze characters’ points of view
  • Interpret authorial decisions rhetorically.
  • Differentiate between various perspectives and sources of information.

Integration of Knowledge & Ideas (12–16%)

This category requires you to understand authors’ claims, differentiate between facts and opinions, and use evidence to make connections between different texts that are related by topic. Some questions will require you to analyze how authors construct arguments and to evaluate reasoning and evidence from various sources.

Read each passage carefully.

Before you begin answering a question, read all of the content carefully. Be conscious of relationships between or among ideas. Take note about important ideas in the passages.

Refer to the passages when answering the questions.

Answers to some of the questions will be found by referring to what is explicitly stated in the text of the passages. Other questions will require you to determine implicit meanings and to draw conclusions, comparisons, and generalizations. Consider the text before you answer any question.

Science Section

The science section measures your ability to interpret, analyze, evaluate, reason and problem-solve using information from given scientific passages. This section presents several passages each with different science content and followed by a number of multiple-choice questions.

The science content includes biology, chemistry, Earth/space sciences (for example, geology, astronomy, and meteorology), and physics. Advanced knowledge in these areas isn’t required, but background knowledge acquired in general, introductory science courses may be needed to correctly answer some of the questions.

The questions in the science section require you to:

  • Recognize and understand the basic features of, and concepts related to, the provided information.
  • Examine critically the relationship between the information provided and the conclusions drawn or hypotheses developed.
  • Generalize from given information to gain new information, draw conclusions, or make predictions.

Note: You are not permitted to use a calculator in the science section.

Four scores are reported for the science section: a score for the section overall and three reporting category scores based on scientific knowledge, skills, and practices. The approximate percentage of the section devoted to each reporting category is shown in the following paragraphs:

Interpretation of Data (20–40%)

This category asks you to manipulate and analyze scientific data presented in scientific tables, graphs, and diagrams (for example, recognize trends in data, translate tables into graphs, interpolate and extrapolate, and reason mathematically).

Scientific Investigation (17–40%)

This category requires you to understand experimental tools, procedures, and design (for example, identify controls and variables) and compare, extend, and modify experiments (for example, predict the results of additional trials).

Evaluation of Models, Inferences, & Experimental Results (20–40%)

These questions ask you to judge the validity of scientific information and formulate conclusions and predictions based on that information (for example, determine which explanation for a scientific phenomenon is supported by new findings).

The science section presents information in three formats:

Data Representation (20–35%)

This format presents figures and tables similar to that found in science journals and texts. The questions associated with this format measure skills such as recognizing relationships among data in tables and graphs; interpolation and extrapolation; and translating tabular data into graphs.

Research Summaries (50–70%)

This format provides descriptions and results of one or more related experiments. The questions focus on the design of the experiments and the interpretation of experimental results.

Conflicting Viewpoints (20–35%)

This format presents two or more explanations for the same scientific phenomena that, because they are based on differing premises or incomplete data, are inconsistent with one another. The questions focus on the understanding, analysis, and comparison of alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.

Read the passage carefully.

Before you begin answering a question, read the scientific material provided. It’s important that you read the entire text and examine any tables, graphs, or figures. You may take notes about important ideas. Some of the information sets will describe experiments. You should consider the experimental design, including the controls and variables, because questions are likely to address this component of scientific research.

Note the different viewpoints in passages.

Some material will present conflicting viewpoints, and the questions will ask you to distinguish among them. It may be helpful for you to take notes summarizing each viewpoint about specific portions of the section.

ACT Practice Test

It’s a good idea to take a practice test under conditions as similar as possible to those you will experience on test day. The following tips will help you:

  • The four multiple-choice tests require 2 hours and 35 minutes to complete when testing in standard time.
  • On test day, you will be provided scratch paper. You will not be allowed to use unapproved scratch paper.
  • If you plan to use a permitted calculator on the math test, use the same one you will use on test day. Only have it on your desk during the practice math test.
  • Give yourself only the time allowed for each test.
  • Familiarize yourself with the test directions at the beginning of eachmultiple-choice test section. These are the same directions you will be provided on test day.
  • Begin with Test 1. Continue through Test 4, taking a 10- to 15-minute break between Tests 2 and 3.
  • Score your multiple-choice tests using the answer key (see link below).


Free Practice Test

Get a taste of the PreACT Secure test with practice questions (and an answer key) online:

Screen reader compatible, text-to-speech, and VASL available.