The ACT Test: Alabama
Important Dates
Your Schedule of Events (web content) SOE excel version contains all dates and deadlines for your test event. Check it frequently to ensure you're on track for a successful administration.
Test Dates
The ACT Taken on Paper
- Test Window 1: March 11, 2025
- Test Accommodations Window 1: March 11-14, 2025 and March 17-21, 2025
- Test Window 2: April 8, 2025
- Test Accommodations Window 2: April 8-11, 2025 and April 14-18, 2025
The ACT Taken Online
- Test Window 1: March 11-14, 2025 and March 17-21, 2025
- Test Window 2: April 8-11, 2025 and April 14-18, 2025
Documents will be replaced as they become available for Spring 2025 testing
Learn about Test Formats and Policies
- What's New (web content)
- The ACT Taken Paper or Online (pdf)
- Testing Policies and Information (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Coordinator Checklist (pdf)
- Alabama 2023 Mode Comparability brief (pdf)
Select Test Dates and Verify Shipping Address (Manage Participation)
- PearsonAccessnext User Guide (web content) (select the Test Date and Materials Receipt Selection section)
- Address Change Request Form (webform)
Select Test Staff and Set Up Accounts
- Staff Requirements, Roles, and Responsibilities (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- PearsonAccessnext User Guide (web content) (select the Managing Contact and User Account Information section)
Tip: When the district test coordinator changes the school test coordinator in PearsonAccessnext, remember to deactivate the existing test coordinator's user account. Updates need to be completed in two places: the manage contacts screen and creating a new user account.
Content Area Workshops
- On Demand Webinar - The ACT English Test (webinar)
- On Demand Webinar - The ACT Math Test (webinar)
- On Demand Webinar - The ACT Reading Test (webinar)
- On Demand Webinar - The ACT Science Test (webinar)
- On Demand Webinar - The ACT Writing Test (webinar)
- On Demand Webinar - Understanding Alabama's Growth Measures: PreACT to ACT (webinar)
- Understanding Alabama's Growth Measures: PreACT to ACT (pdf)
Verify Enrollment Counts
January 6–31, 2025
- PearsonAccessnext User Guide (web content) (select the Managing Test Materials, Accessing Reports, and Submit a Request to Enroll or Unenroll an Examinee sections)
- PearsonAccessnext Operational Reports Layout (pdf)
Tip: To verify accommodations/supports counts, run an Accommodations and Supports Roster in PearsonAccessnext.
Complete Site Readiness for Online Testing
December 2, 2024–February 5, 2025
- Technical Coordinator Checklist (pdf)
- Technical Requirements for the ACT Test Taken Online (web content)
- The ACT Online Testing Site Readiness Plan (pdf)
- Mock Administration Guide (web content)
ACT Online Technical Readiness Training Tutorials
Learn about Accessibility Supports
- Quick Start Guide for Requesting Accommodations and/or English Learner Supports (pdf)
- Setting Up for Success - Online Reporting and TAA (pdf)
- ACT Training Information Graphic-English Learner (EL) Supports (pdf)
- Accessibility Supports Guide for the ACT (web content)
Request Accommodations and/or English Learner (EL) Supports
September 16, 2024–January 24, 2025
- Consent to Release Information (pdf)
- Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) User Guide (pdf)
- Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) System Supports (web content)
- Requesting Accommodations and English Learner Supports Using TAA (video)
- How to Create an Account to Request Accommodation through TAA (training tutorial)
Request Qualified Exceptions to the Deadline
January 27, 2025–March 7, 2025
March 11–28, 2025
Tip: Reconsideration is used if you submitted a request for accommodations that was denied. Qualified Exceptions to the Deadline is for limited reasons as indicated on the form.
Tip: If selecting the qualified exceptions date in TAA, make sure to attach the Qualified Exceptions to the Deadline Form in the request.
Arrange for Accommodations and/or English Learner Supports
Order Test Materials
Test Window 1: February 10, 2025–February 28, 2025
Test Window 2: March 11–28, 2025
- PearsonAccessnext User Guide (web content) (select the Managing Test Materials section)
Tip: If additional materials are needed for examinees authorized by ACT to test with accommodations/supports, call the ACT Accommodations team. Use the Accommodations and Supports Roster, which can be accessed in PearsonAccessnext by Test Coordinators and Room Supervisors, to provide information to ensure the right students receive additional materials.
Tip: You can track test materials shipments using Orders and Shipment Tracking. See the View Status and Shipment Information section in the PearsonAccessnext User Guide.
Complete Non-Test Activities
After materials arrive.
- Taking the ACT (pdf)
- Taking the ACT - Spanish (pdf)
- Non-Test Activities (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Non-Test Instructions for Student (Blank Form) (pdf)
- Non-Test Instructions for Student (Blank Form with Mail Merge) (docx)
- MyACT User Guide for Test Coordinators (pdf)
- MyACT User Guide for Students (pdf)
- MyACT Account Setup - State & District Testing (video)
- MyACT Interest and Careers Inventories (pdf)
- MyACT Benefits and Tips for School and Student (pdf)
Tip: To provide visibility into the non-test information process, schools will have access to a new daily Student Code Usage Status report after receiving their first shipment of materials. This report is posted in the Published Reports section in PearsonAccessnext. Refer to the Accessing Reports section of PearsonAccessnext User Guide for instructions. This report contains “Yes” or “No” to indicate students who have not used their Student Code or not completed college choices.
Provide Examinees Test Prep Information
- ACT Letter for Alabama Parents (pdf)
- ACT Letter for Alabama Parents - Spanish (pdf)
- MyACT Practice Test User Guide (pdf)
- Preparing for the ACT Test (pdf)
Prepare Your Facility, Staff, and Test Materials
- Test Facilities (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Staff (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Materials (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Test Administration (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
Update Examinee Information
Test Window 1: February 1–March 10, 2025
Test Window 2: February 1–March 28, 2025
- PearsonAccessnext User Guide (web content) (select the Managing Examinee Information section)
Create Online Test Sessions
Test Window 1: February 10, 2025–March 21, 2025
Test Window 2: March 24, 2025–April 18, 2025
- Technical Guide (web content)
- ACT Administration Online Manual (web content)
- Preparing Students for the ACT Test Taken Online (pdf)
- Preparing for Online Testing - Quick Start Guide (pdf)
- Switching from Paper to Online Testing (pdf)
Administer the Test
Paper Testing Dates:
Test Window 1 Standard Time Administration Date: March 11, 2025
Test Window 1 Accommodations Administration Window: March 11, 2025–March 14, 2025 and March 17, 2025–March 21, 2025
Test Window 2 Standard Time Administration Date: April 8, 2025
Test Window 2 Accommodations Administration Window: April 8, 2025–April 11, 2025 and April 14, 2025–April 18, 2025
Online Testing Dates:
Test Window 1 Standard Time and Accommodations Administration Window: March 11, 2025–March 14, 2025 and March 17, 2025–March 21, 2025
Test Window 2 Standard Time and Accommodations Administration Window: April 8, 2025–April 11, 2025 and April 14, 2025–April 18, 2025
- Test Administration Form - ACT Standard Time Paper (pdf)
- Test Administration Form - ACT Accommodations Paper (pdf)
- Test Administration Form - ACT Online Standard Time (online testing) (pdf)
- Test Administration Form - ACT Online Accommodations (online testing) (pdf)
Administration Manuals
- ACT Administration Manual - Standard Paper (pdf)
- ACT Administration Manual - Accommodations Paper (pdf)
- ACT Administration Manual - Online Testing (pdf)
- ACT Test Coordinator Information Manual (pdf)
- Room Supervisor Checklist-Online (pdf)
- Room Supervisor Checklist-Paper (pdf)
- ACT Test Translated Directions for English Learners-Online Testing (pdf)
- ACT Test Translated Directions for English Learners (pdf)
- ACT-Authorized Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionaries list (pdf)
- Pre-Recorded Audio Guidelines (pdf)
- Prohibited Device Poster (pdf)
- Calculator Policy (pdf)
- Video American Sign Language Usage Guidelines (pdf)
- Sign Language Interpreter Agreement (pdf)
- Test Day Overview for Room Supervisors (paper) (video)
- Test Day Overview for Online Room Supervisors (video)
- How to Enter Online Irregularities (training tutorial)
- Manage Online Test Session (training tutorial)
Tip: Ensure you are using the correct materials for your test date and type to avoid cancellation of scores.
Tip: ACT test translated directions for students testing on paper are shipped with secure test materials.
Tip: If you are testing an examinee authorized for English learner supports, have the ACT-Authorized Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionaries list handy to verify at check in that the examinee’s dictionary can be used for testing.
Return Test Materials
Paper Dates:
Test Window 1 standard time testing materials receipt deadline: March 18, 2025
Test Window 1 accommodations testing materials receipt deadline: March 28, 2025
Test Window 2 standard time testing materials receipt deadline: April 15, 2025
Test Window 2 accommodations testing materials receipt deadline: April 25, 2025
- Collecting, Packing, and Returning Test Materials (web content) (select the first result listed after applying search filters)
- Secure Storage and Transport of Test Materials Form (pdf)
Tip: Do not return unused answer documents from initial testing. Use those for makeup testing.
Tip: Return answer documents following testing so they arrive at ACT by the receipt deadline listed on the Schedule of Events and can be scored.
Tip: Return all ACT-authorized accommodations materials at the end of the testing window, rather than returning materials for individual examinees as they complete testing.
Tip: If you receive an additional order, write your high school name and code on the return shipping labels.
Access and Understand Score Reports
The Individual Student Report is now available for download in Online Reporting for the ACT State and District customers in both an English and Spanish version.
Score Report Schedule for the ACT Test (web content)
- Setting Up for Success - Online Reporting and TAA (pdf)
- Download Data in Online Reporting - FAQs (web content)
- ACT Online Reporting User Guide (pdf)
- ACT User Handbook for Educators (pdf)
- MyACT Quick Start Guide (pdf)
- Sample Score Report - High School (pdf)
- Alabama Technical Manual Supplement (pdf)
- Understanding Alabama's Growth - PreACT and ACT (pdf)
- Alabama ACT Alignment Guide (pdf)
- Best Practices for Trusted Agents (pdf)
- Understanding ACT ELA Score (webinar)
- Understanding ACT ELA Scores (pdf)
- ACT Online Reporting State and District Benefits Features Navigation and Rosters (video)
- ACT Online Reporting State and District Contract Reports and Student Reports (video)
- ACT Online Reporting State and District Summary Data Tool Resources (video)
Share Reporting Information with Examinees