Offer Standardized ACT District Testing
The ACT is Evolving — Discover the Upcoming ACT Enhancements
Did you know your school or district can offer an official administration of the ACT test during a school day?
Across the nation, states and districts are using the ACT and instructional improvement programs to guide students in their journey and light their paths to college and career readiness. The ACT motivates students to perform to their best abilities and reflects what students have learned throughout high school.
Increase College Access and Opportunities for All Students
Offer an academic curriculum-based assessment and career planning tool that leads to readiness.
The Importance of ACT District Testing

Gary Campanelli, director of guidance and student outcomes at Hauppauge School District in New York, discusses why ACT District Testing is so important for his students and school district. It ensures access for all students, provides a familiar environment for testing, and opens opportunities to scholarships.
Build a Comprehensive Curriculum and Assessment Plan
Quickly and easily build a comprehensive curriculum and assessment plan matched to your goals and desired outcomes with our planning tool.
Plan to Bring the ACT
to Students in Your Classrooms
ACT District Testing can be offered on a weekday to students in school, expanding access to a globally recognized college admission test.
Offered in many administration windows and a choice between online and paper-pencil formats in fall and spring makes it a flexible option that is aligned to your students’ needs.
Grounded in Standards and Benchmarks — Rich with Insights
ACT College and Career Readiness Standards
Our ACT College and Career Readiness Standards are what set our assessments apart. They give a clear meaning to test scores and serve as a link between what students have learned and what they are ready to learn next.
ACT College Readiness Benchmarks
Our benchmarks are the ACT scores that represent levels of achievement. Using data collected from hundreds of colleges across the country, benchmarks have been established for the ACT subject test scores, STEM score, and ELA score.
Online Reporting
Gain deeper insights from one platform for ACT data that is interactive, consumable, and downloadable. State, district, school, or student data and insights are available* for PreACT assessments, ACT District Testing programs, and ACT national tests. (*based on access)
Explore More About ACT District Testing
Break Down Barriers to Access
Give students the opportunity to take the ACT at their school to ensure ALL students have a pathway to a brighter future.
The ACT is tied closely to your school and district curriculum. It’s always been about what students learn in school.
Show Students College Is Attainable
When students take the ACT at their school, it helps them realize they have the skills to perform college-level coursework.
Since 2007, students in 50 states have earned college- reportable scores taking the ACT test in their own classrooms.
Guide Students to Their Next Steps
Use insights from the ACT Interest Inventory to help guide students’ interests with their strengths.
The ACT raises college and career awareness among students and gives them confidence in their abilities.
Get the ACT Comprehensive Solutions Guide
The ACT Comprehensive Solutions Guide is a resource with tools and solutions you can use all year, including ways to connect and communicate with students and their supporters on how to best navigate their readiness journeys. This guide helps you get the most from our connected solutions and learn more about new features or enhancements to support your students.