ACT District Testing 
K12 Administrators

Their Journey. Many Paths.
The ACT is Evolving — Discover the Upcoming ACT Enhancements

Striving for Fairness by Breaking Down Barriers to Access

By breaking down barriers to access, ACT® District Testing supports you in driving equity and making a profound impact in the community—opening doors to college, scholarships, and financial aid for every student.

Be the Change: Turn Vision into Action

Ensure that opportunity and access, as well as actionable information and reporting, are available to all students so they can take control of their outcomes and chart their best course toward college and career readiness.  

The Path to College and Career Success Starts Early

Success doesn’t happen in a year. It happens year after year. That’s why ACT offers a continuum of sequential assessments that prepares your students for a lifetime of success—in college and beyond. The tests in the ACT Assessment System have a common score scale, making it easy to track performance across tests, measure growth, and identify areas where students need work.  

Open New Doors of Opportunity

Learn how offering the ACT during the school day opens doors to college for more students. 

Increasing Students’ College and Career Readiness

Promising Practices of Exemplary High Schools: Increasing Students’ College and Career Readiness

Why Measurement Matters in a Post-COVID World

Why testing is important not only to assess learning (gains and losses) and address it, but tests like the ACT also provide a reliable, comparable, and non-subjective indicator in the college admissions process.

District Testing 101

By creating a college-going culture with district testing, you can help students realize they have the skills to perform college-level coursework and give your district the information it needs to get them there.  

District and School Leaders on the Value and Impact of ACT District Testing

The Value of ACT As a Whole
We asked college and university admissions experts if they still find value in the solutions ACT offers to high school students. Here's what they had to say.

ACT District Testing and Equity
The importance of offering the ACT test on a school day, in the classroom, as a means of creating equal opportunities for all students.

Importance of ACT District Testing

The importance of using the ACT to get students to post-secondary as well as see where to improve and what to celebrate.

What Administrators are Saying About ACT District Testing

How administrators are using the ACT to improve and track students' readiness for college and career.

"Before the ACT, different methods to foster student growth and readiness for college were just shots in the dark."

-Greg Upham, Assistant Superintendent
Helena Public School District, Montana

"We promote ACT because we know it is a very effective assessment for our English Language Learners. We are very glad that they now have allowable accommodations for students to use."

-Vicky Salada, ESOL Department Director
Broward County School District of Fort Lauderdale, FL

Read more about the success our customers are experiencing with the program and the remarkable results it helped schools and students achieve.

Get the ACT Comprehensive Solutions Guide

The ACT Comprehensive Solutions Guide is a resource with tools and solutions you can use all year, including ways to connect and communicate with students and their supporters on how to best navigate their readiness journeys. This guide helps you get the most from our connected solutions and learn more about new features or enhancements to support your students.

Ready to Bring the ACT to Your Students?