ACT District Testing 
K12 Counselors

Their Journey. Many Paths.
The ACT is Evolving — Discover the Upcoming ACT Enhancements

Together, We Can Make Students Unstoppable

Like you, we’re dedicated to the success of every student—today, tomorrow, and well into the future. ACT® District Testing helps your students take that important next step toward college and career by providing broad access to the ACT.  

Help Students Stand Out From the Crowd

ACT District Testing scores can help students stand out in a crowded field of applicants with similar high school grades. The valuable resources that come with ACT District Testing let you give all your students the chance to show colleges they’re ready.

Free Score Reports

Eligible students can take the ACT and receive eight score reports to send to colleges for free! 

Plan for the Future

ACT District Testing scores do more than get students into college. Results include a college and career planning section that directs students toward the best path to success. 

Pay for College

Students with an ACT score qualify for more scholarships because many colleges require scores for merit-based awards. Without one, students could miss out on thousands of dollars.  

Get a Superscore

When students take the ACT more than once, we can average their best section scores for an official ACT Superscore. 

The Path to College and Career Success Starts Early

Success doesn’t happen in a year. It happens year after year. That’s why ACT offers a continuum of sequential assessments that prepares your students for a lifetime of success—in college and beyond. The tests in the ACT Assessment System have a common score scale, making it easy to track performance across tests, measure growth, and identify areas where students need work.  

Gary Campanelli, Director of Guidance and Student Outcomes, on the Value and Impact of ACT District Testing

Student Potential
New York students are unlocking their own potential with the ACT.

Scholarships and Careers

New York students utilize their score outcomes to drive discussions with counselors and align their future interest and academic potential.

Test Optional

Showcase every aspect of students with ACT data in the test-optional environment. 

What Counselors are Saying About ACT District Testing

How counselors are using the ACT to improve and track students' readiness for college and career.

"Students may be missing out on more scholarship opportunities - and possibly college altogether - by not taking the ACT."

-Leslie Trundy, School Counselor
Morse High School, Bath, Maine

"The ACT data is helping us have conversations about what our students need to be successful when they leave our school - whether they're gong into a career or going to college. I think we've just begun to scratch the surface of how we can use ACT data to serve our students."

-Vicky Roller, School Counselor

Read more about the success our customers are experiencing with the program and the remarkable results it helped schools and students achieve.

Ready to Bring the ACT to Your Students?