ACT Exam Test Dates and Deadlines

National Test Dates Schedule

Test Date
Regular Registration Deadline
Late Fee Applies After This Date
Late Registration Deadline
Photo Upload and Standby Deadline
February 8, 2025 January 3 January 24 January 31
April 5, 2025 February 28 March 16 March 28
June 14, 2025 May 9 May 27 June 6
July 12, 2025* June 6 June 20 July 4

*No test centers are scheduled in New York for the July test date.

In February of 2025, Science is included and required for a composite score. For April, June and July of 2025, for online testing only, it will be optional for a composite score.

February: Science Included (required for composite score)
April: Science Optional (online testing only)
June: Science Optional (online testing only)
July: Science Optional (online testing only)

National test dates are for the United States, US territories, and Puerto Rico. 

  • If you missed the regular registration deadline for a test date, you can still register by the late registration deadline for an additional fee.
  • If you did not register for a test date by the late registration deadline, you may be able to request standby testing for an additional fee.

Deadlines occur at midnight Central Time. If you are unable to test on a Saturday test date for religious reasons, there may be options available to you. See Non-Saturday Testing.

All requests for Accommodations and English Learner supports, including appeals, must be submitted by the late registration deadline through the Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) system.

National test dates schedules are updated in the summer, following the July test date.

Where to Take the ACT

Find an ACT Test center location in your area. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How many times in a year is the ACT test given?

ACT National (Saturday) testing is offered 7 times per year - actual dates vary.

When should I expect my ACT scores?

Multiple choice scores are normally available two weeks after each national test date, but it can sometimes take up to eight weeks. Writing scores are normally available about two weeks after your multiple-choice scores.

Can you register for the ACT after the deadline?

If you miss the late deadline to register for a test date, or to request a test date or test center change, you may choose to sign in to your ACT account to request and pay for standby testing. Accommodations may be available for standby testing, but seats are not guaranteed. You may contact ACT to see if there is an available seat, test materials, and staff to administer the test.

What if I missed my ACT test date?

If you miss the test for any reason, including illness, injury, being denied admission at the test center for lack of ID, or late arrival, your options are listed below.

IMPORTANT: Once you break the seal on your test booklet, you cannot later request a test date change, even if you do not complete all your tests. You must register again and pay the full fee for your test option if you want to retest.

Request and pay for a test date change

Log in to your MyACT account and select "Make Changes to Your Registration" or call ACT Registration at 319.337.1270 by the regular deadline for the new test date. You will be charged the full fee for the new test date in addition to the test date change fee.

If you call during the late registration period, you will also be charged a late fee. In either case, your basic fee for the original test date will be refunded. (If you register for a new test date instead of making a test date change, your basic fee for the original test date will not be refunded.)

If you decide you do not want to test on another test date, your registration fee and any additional fees (such as late fee or test center change fee) are nonrefundable. If you do not test, no score reports will be sent.

Can I reschedule the ACT?

After you register for a test event, you will be able to make changes to your record. For a small fee, you can make a test center change and a test date change (if changes are made at the same time). Learn more about your options.

How much does it cost to change an ACT test date?

This is called a Change Fee and the current fee for doing this is $44. Learn more about additional fees.

What if you're sick the day of the ACT test?

See question above for "What if I missed my ACT test date?"

What happens if I don't show up to the ACT test?

See question above for "What if I missed my ACT test date?"

Can I cancel the ACT test and get a refund?

See above for Request and pay for a test date change.

Ready to Learn More About Registering for the ACT?