ACT Calculator Policy

This calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the test room, and protect the security of the test materials. 
Examinees found not following this policy may be dismissed and their tests voided for prohibited behavior. 

Are You Allowed to Use a Calculator for the ACT?

Calculators may only be used on the mathematics test, including ACT® WorkKeys® Applied Math. All problems may be solved without a calculator.  

Sharing calculators during the test is not permitted. 

Does ACT Provide Calculators?

You are responsible for bringing your own permitted calculator. Testing staff will not be providing them to examinees. 

See below for more information on permitted calculators.  

ACT Approved Calculator List

You may use any 4-function, graphing, or scientific calculator, as long as it is not on the prohibited list and it is modified (see below), if needed.  

Accessible calculators (such as audio/“talking” or Braille) are allowed if authorized in advance of testing by ACT for the ACT® test and by the test coordinator for all other products.  

Approved calculators include:  


4-Function Calculators 

Four-function, or ”basic,” calculators are designed with four main functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Some basic calculators may include additional functions such as square roots and percentages. 

Graphing Calculators

Graphing calculators offer capabilities such as plotting graphs, analyzing data, and performing complex mathematical functions like trigonometry and logarithms. 

Scientific Calculators

Scientific calculators are equipped with advanced functions necessary for solving high-level math, science, and engineering problems. Some of these features include scientific notation, statistical and probability functions, built-in memory, and much more.   


Modifications Needed for Certain Calculators to Meet ACT Approval  

The following types of calculators are permitted, but only after they are modified as noted:  

  • Calculators that can hold programs or documents: Remove all documents and remove all programs that have computer algebra system functionality.  
  • Calculators with paper tape: Remove the tape.  
  • Calculators that make noise: Turn off the sound.   
  • Calculators with an infrared data port: Completely cover the infrared data port with heavy opaque material such as duct tape or electrician’s tape. These calculators include the Hewlett-Packard HP 38G series, HP 39G series, and HP 48G.   
  • Calculators with power cords: Remove all power/ electrical cords.  

Prohibited Calculators for ACT

Calculators with built-in or downloaded computer algebra system (CAS) functionality are prohibited, including:


Texas Instruments 

  • All model numbers that begin with TI-89 or TI-92  
  • TI-Nspire CAS  

Note: The TI-Nspire (non-CAS) is permitted. 


  • HP Prime  
  • HP 48GII  
  • All model numbers that begin with HP 40G, HP 49G, or HP 50G  


  • fx-CP400 (ClassPad 400)  
  • ClassPad 300 or ClassPad 330  
  • Algebra fx 2.0  
  • All model numbers that begin with CFX-9970G  

Learn more about computer algebra system (CAS) calculators.  

Other Models Not Permitted 

  • Handheld, tablet, or laptop computers (including PDAs). 
  • Electronic writing pads or pen-input devices (Note: The Sharp EL 9600 is permitted). 
  • Calculators built into cell phones or any other electronic communication devices. 
  • Calculators with QWERTY format letter keys. 
    - This does not apply to calculators that are provided in a secure test delivery platform.
    - Letter keys not in QWERTY format are permitted.

Calculators in a Computer-based Testing Environment 

  • An on-screen calculator may be available. Test coordinators can check the administration instructions for details.  
  • Calculators may not be connected in any way to the computer or device being used for testing.  

Calculator Tips for the ACT Test

  1. Check to make sure you’re using a permitted calculator.  
  2. Make sure your calculator is working and fully charged or has a reliable set of batteries. 
  3. Bring a backup calculator and/or extra batteries, if you wish, in case your primary calculator fails. 
  4. Bring the calculator you regularly use or one you’re already familiar with (if permitted). This can help you solve problems more efficiently.  
  5. Use your calculator strategically and save time by solving more simple calculations by hand. Remember all problems can be solved without a calculator.  

Testing Staff Responsibilities

  • Monitoring during the test to ensure examinees are using only permitted calculators.  
  • Dismissing any examinee found to be using a prohibited calculator during testing.  

Download a PDF Copy of the Calculator Policy

Learn More About Test Day 

Know more about what to bring and what to expect on test day.