EOS Context

More than 1,000 colleges used the Educational Opportunity Service (EOS) to select student names from the ACT-tested graduating class of 2013 to support their marketing and recruitment efforts. Of this group of institutions, more than half (57%) used the students’ choice of major or occupation as a search criterion for identifying ACT-tested students of interest.

Chart Table
Percent of EOS-Participating Colleges That Used Major/Occupation as a Search Criterion by College Type, 2013
Percent of EOS-Participating Colleges That Used Major/Occupation as a Search Criterion by College Type, 2013
College Type Percent Using Search Criterion
2-Year 40%
Public 4-Year 47%
Private 4-Year 66%

Graph reads: 47% of public 4-year colleges participating in EOS used students’ choice of major or occupation as a search criterion for identifying ACT-tested students.

More than 1.2 million students from the ACT-tested graduating class of 2013 had their names selected by at least one college through EOS.

  • The share of colleges that used major or occupation as a search criterion when selecting students through EOS differs by college type.
  • Specifically, 2 out of 3 4-year private colleges that participated in EOS used major or occupation as a search criterion, compared with only 2 out of 5 2-year colleges.
Chart Table
Percent of EOS-Selected Students Who Were Selected by at Least One College Using Major/Occupation as a Search Criterion by ACT Composite Score and Grade Level at First Testing, 2013
Percent of EOS-Selected Students Who Were Selected by at Least One College Using Major/Occupation as a Search Criterion by ACT Composite Score and Grade Level at First Testing, 2013
ACT Composite Score Range Before Grade 12 Grade 12
1–15 63% 47%
16–19 77% 60%
20–23 92% 74%
24–27 97% 86%
28–32 98% 88%
33–36 98% 90%

Graph reads: 88% of the ACT-tested high school graduating class of 2013 who first tested during 12th grade, had an ACT Composite score in the range of 28–32, opted into EOS, and were selected by at least one college through EOS were selected using major or occupation as a search criterion.

Note: Based on 61% of the ACT-tested high school graduating class of 2013 who selected a planned major and/or a planned occupation, opted into EOS during high school, and were selected by at least one college.

  • Of those EOS-selected students with a planned major, 84% were selected by a college using major or occupation as a search criterion.
  • The percentage of EOS students who were selected by a college using their major or occupation as a criterion increases as students’ ACT Composite score increases.
  • Within each ACT Composite score range, a smaller share of students who first tested during their 12th-grade year than first tested before their 12th-grade year were selected by a college using major or occupation as a search criterion.