Dorm Room Essentials for Your First Year of College

Starting your first year of college is a moment you've likely been waiting a long time for. It is an exciting journey, but it also comes with added responsibilities as you learn to do more things on your own, from managing your schedule to doing the laundry and dishes. While it's easy to focus on all the fun and exciting times ahead, packing strategically for this transition will help it all go smoothly. Discover the essentials that will make your new space feel comfortable, functional, and like your new home away from home. 

Tips Before Building Your Dorm Packing List

Making a checklist for your dorm is an important part of getting ready for college. It's all about thinking carefully to make sure you get everything you'll need to create a comfortable and well-equipped living space. Consider everything from the daily must-haves to those personal items that make a space feel like yours. Here are a few tips for packing what you need to make your dorm feel complete.

Focus on Packing the Essentials

As you get ready for college, focus on the most important items. Think about the essentials you'll use every day, like your bedding for a good night's sleep, a reliable laptop for your assignments, and toiletries to keep you feeling fresh. By zeroing in on these necessities, you'll make sure your dorm is both practical and suited just for you.

Remember, it's totally normal to forget a thing or two in the rush of packing for college, even with a list. Don't stress! You can always have your family send anything you missed, pick it up on your next visit home, or order it online. 

Be Strategic With Your Packing

Planning how you pack isn't just about fitting everything into your dorm room. It also makes moving in and out a lot easier. When you pack with a strategy in mind, you're helping yourself set up an organized living space.

Here are some ideas to make the most of your dorm packing strategy:

  • Packing in Compressible Bags: Use bags, such as vacuum-sealed bags, that can be compressed, allowing you to maximize space and easily store them for later use. These are also ideal for storing bulky items such as winter clothes in the off-season, helping to clear up some space in your closet.
  • Cardboard or Collapsible Boxes for Easy Storage: Opt for boxes that can be broken down and stored under beds when empty, providing a convenient solution for move-out.
  • Transporting Items in Bins or Baskets: Use bins, milk crates, or baskets for transportation that can double as storage solutions in your dorm room.
  • Rolling Suitcases or Duffle Bags: Easy to transport and can also serve as additional storage or for travel throughout the semester.
  • Reusable Storage Containers With Lids: Keep items protected and organized while providing stackable storage solutions. Great for storing outdoor equipment, seasonal clothing, or extra school supplies.
  • Hanging Closet Organizers: Maximize vertical space in your closet for shoes, accessories, or other small items.

Don’t Bring Everything at Once 

If you’re able to visit home during the school year, you might consider bringing only what you need for the current season to save on space. This will give you more room in your closets and drawers and avoid your room feeling cluttered. Swap out clothes, shoes, outdoor equipment, bedding, and more. School breaks are typically a great time to swap since the seasons will be changing soon! 

Make Sure You Know What Your School Allows and Prohibits

Before you pack, look up your school's dorm policies. This helps you figure out what's acceptable to bring and what's better left at home. For example, mini-fridges and microwaves are usually okay and often recommended. But things that can be fire hazards, like hotplates or space heaters, are often not allowed. 

Following these rules keeps you safe and prevents any problems with dorm staff. Plus, knowing these rules ahead of time means you can pack smarter, avoiding the hassle of getting rid of or replacing things that aren't allowed when you move in. This little bit of homework can make move-in day go much smoother. 

Coordinate With Your Roommate

Many schools give you a chance to chat with your future roommates before the semester begins. This is a great opportunity to plan out who's bringing what, especially for bigger items like TVs, rugs, or small kitchen appliances. Make sure you talk about these things within the school's rules. Planning together means you won't end up with two of everything and ensures your dorm room is both functional and comfortable for everyone. Get to know each other's personalities and what an ideal living situation is like for them. But most of all, have fun starting to imagine and plan your new space together before the school year kicks off!

Investigate On-Campus Resources

Before you start packing for college, check out what's already available on campus. Many universities have resources like printers in the computer lab, so you might not need to bring your own, saving you precious space in your dorm. Some schools even offer rentals for things like vacuum cleaners, laptops, bikes, calculators, cameras, and tablets, which means fewer items to purchase or bring with you from home. 

Ultimate Dorm Packing Checklist

Now that we’ve covered the pre-packing basics, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! Here are some tips to help you craft the perfect dorm space. Remember, while we provide the blueprint, you're the architect of your own college adventure, so follow the advice on this page that makes sense for your situation and will make your dorm feel like your personal oasis. 

Bedding and Linens

Packing comfortable bedding and linens can help make your college living space extra cozy. After all, getting enough rest is key for your health and doing well in your studies. To make sure you have all you need, here are some items to consider:

  • Bedding Essentials: Make sure you have the right-sized sheets, pillowcases, and a mattress pad for your dorm bed. Typically, dorms provide a Twin XL mattress. Bring along your favorite pillows, some warm blankets, and a comforter or bedspread to make your bed feel like your own. If you’re headed to a colder climate you might want to bring both flannel and cotton sheets.
  • Towel Assortment: Pack different types of towels, such as bath, hand, and face towels, and a couple for the kitchen. You should also bring a beach towel for any outdoor adventures you go on.
  • Clothes Organization: Keep your clothes organized with hangers, over the door hooks, and hanging closet organizers.
  • Laundry Supplies: Laundry machines will likely be shared so bring a laundry bag or basket to make carrying your clothes and laundry supplies down the hall easier. Don't forget laundry detergent, dryer sheets, stain remover, and quarters if your college uses coin-operated machines.  

Study Supplies and Electronics

Having the appropriate technology, desk accessories, and study supplies is crucial for efficient note-taking, finishing assignments, and maintaining organization. These tools support your ability to stay connected and productive. Here's a list of essential electronics and technology items to ensure you're well-prepared: 

  • Computer Essentials: Bring a laptop or tablet – it's your lifeline for classes, research, and video chats with family and friends. Don't forget the chargers for all your devices; you'll be using these a lot. An Ethernet cable is also great to have on hand for when the Wi-Fi isn't reliable. 
  • Charging Station: A power strip and extension cord are must-haves for your study space so you can charge all your devices at once. A portable phone charger is useful for keeping your phone charged while you're out and about on campus. 
  • Organization: Use a planner or calendar to track your assignments and deadlines. Have a separate notebook for each class and a pocket folder to keep everything organized. There are also some great apps available to help you stay organized if you prefer digital reminders. 
  • Office Supplies: Remember to pack pens, pencils, different colored highlighters, notepads, and index cards for making flashcards or taking quick notes. Sticky notes are perfect for marking important parts of your textbooks or leaving reminders. Also, pack some rubber bands, tape, and scissors – they always come in handy. 
  • Study Aids: Headphones or earbuds are great for tuning out distractions and focusing on your work. A pillow for your dorm’s desk chair might also make the long hours spent studying a little bit easier.  
  • Printing and Tech Backup Needs: Although your campus may have a computer lab or technology center, it doesn’t hurt to have backup tech in your dorm room. If you're planning to bring a printer, remember to include extra printer paper and cartridges. Speaking of backups, while you can certainly store term papers in the cloud, you may want additional digital storage like external hard drives or USB flash drives to easily save and transfer your work.  
  • Carrying Your Gear: A reliable backpack or laptop bag is crucial for carrying your books, laptop, and other essentials around campus. Find something you think is comfortable since you’ll be using it every day and will do lots of walking across campus. 

Toiletries and Hygiene Essentials

As a first-year college student far from home, don't take all the toiletries you have on hand at home for granted. Here’s a quick packing list to take the guesswork out of your daily grooming routine on-campus:  

  • Personal Hygiene Basics: Think about the items you use on a daily basis when getting ready. Pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hand soap, skincare, etc. 
  • Hair Care and Grooming: Don’t forget to bring things such as a hairdryer, styling tools, brush/comb, and hair products such as gel or hairspray. You’ll also want tweezers, nail clippers, and other tools depending on your normal routine.  
  • Healthcare: You’ll thank yourself for thinking ahead if you ever catch a cold while at school! Bring the basic healthcare items including a small first aid kit, pain relievers, cough drops, cold/flu medicine, thermometer, antibiotic cream, etc. If you are on any medication, make sure you have it packed and know how to get your refills. Every school should have some kind of wellness center you can visit if needed but having a few things that are easily accessible will help you feel prepared. 
  • Bathroom Essentials: There are different kinds of dorm rooms, but most will require you to share a bathroom with either your roommate or floor. If it’s a community bathroom you’ll need to shuffle your items to and from so make sure you have a shower caddy, flip flops or slides for the shower, robe, and all your go-to products handy. Stock your shower caddy with your favorite body wash, shampoo, conditioner, a razor, and shaving cream. You may also find it convenient to keep a few items in your room such as tissues and a hair towel. 

Household and Kitchen Supplies

Creating a functional and comfortable living space in college means thinking about the right household and kitchen supplies. These items are essential for keeping your space tidy and organized, making everyday tasks easier, and helping you feel more at home. Here's a list of essential household and kitchen supplies to help you get started, but remember to adjust it according to your specific needs. Keep in mind that while some colleges and universities might provide certain items, not all do: 

  • Kitchen Basics: Remember to pack the essentials like pots, pans, and cooking utensils. You'll also need plates, bowls, cutlery, mugs, a reusable water bottle, and glasses for eating and drinking. Second-hand shops or thrift stores can be a great place to score inexpensive must-haves for a well-stocked kitchen.
  • Handy Appliances: If your dorm allows it, a microwave and a mini-fridge can be real lifesavers for quick meals and storing snacks.
  • Food Storage and Clean-up: Bring food storage containers even if you have a meal plan or dining hall in case you cook at your dorm or want ways to store some extra snacks. You'll need dish soap, a sponge, trash bags, and a trash can to keep things tidy.
  • Cleaning Must-Haves: Stock up on an all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, and a duster. If you've got a bathroom to clean, bring the right supplies for that, too, including a toilet brush, toilet bowl cleaner, and glass cleaner. A broom and vacuum are always good to have for keeping your floors clean.
  • For Your Living Space: Extra lightbulbs and batteries will keep things bright. You might want additional baskets for storing shoes, adhesive strips to hang artwork, fan, extension cord, and a small toolset.  


As you prepare for college, it's important to have a wardrobe ready for anything college life throws at you. Stock your closet with comfortable clothes for class, as well as something a bit nicer for presentations or networking events. Here's a list to help you figure out what clothes to bring to college so you're prepared for all kinds of days and events:

  • Everyday Wear: Pack underwear and a variety of socks - think some for the gym and others for those dressier days. Jeans, shorts, leggings, hoodies, and comfy T-shirts or button-downs are a go-to for everyday campus life.
  • Comfort and Sleepwear: Bring comfortable clothes like cozy sweats for lounging and pajamas for a good night's sleep.
  • Weather-Appropriate Clothing: Depending on where your college is, you might need a light jacket or heavy winter coat. Throw in a few sweaters for layering when it gets chilly. If it's going to be cold, pack winter items like gloves, beanies, and a scarf. If you are headed somewhere warm, bring a swimsuit and a good sun hat.
  • Footwear: A couple of pairs of sneakers or comfy shoes will be perfect for walking around campus. Bring a good pair of boots for rainy or snowy days and some sandals for the warmer ones. Slippers or flip-flops are great for hanging out in your dorm or heading to the bathroom down the hall.
  • Professional Attire: Don't forget some business-casual clothes for when you need to look sharp, like for a presentation or job interview, along with a pair of dress shoes.
  • Gym Clothes: Keeping up with your health is important when you head to school. Bring good shoes, socks, and other items just for the gym. Some schools have attire requirements so check your school's website to pack accordingly.  

Feel free to customize this list based on your personal style, the climate of your college location, and any specific dress requirements for your academic or social engagements. 

Miscellaneous Items To Pack

There are a few things that don't quite fit into the other categories, but they're still necessary for making your college life better. From supporting your hobbies to making your space feel more like home, these extra items will be important to pack: 

  • Umbrella: Always handy to have — you never know when you might get caught in the rain. 
  • Sunglasses: Perfect for those sunny days, especially if you’re spending time outdoors. 
  • Personal safety items: While your smartphone may have a built-in flashlight and safety apps, it’s always good to have a backup in case your phone gets lost or the battery is dead. Bring a flashlight or keyring light, Bluetooth tracking device for your wallet or keys, emergency whistle, and drink covers. 
  • Portable transportation: Although many campuses are walkable or have available parking, sometimes lots can be overcrowded. Having a portable way to get around campus can be helpful in those instances. Bring a bike and bike lock, scooter, or skateboard depending on what you prefer! 
  • Important Documents: Because you’re away from home it’s important to have access to important documents just in case. Bring your health insurance card, a copy of your birth certificate and social security card, especially if you are looking for a student job, license, passport and a copy of your health documents. You might also want to bring any financial aid information you might need to access and make a copy of your class schedule and meal plan if there are ever any issues.  
  • Hobbies and Personal Items: College is a great time to explore new hobbies and discover who you are. Make sure you carve out some time for the things you love. Bring a good book or two, gaming system, sports gear, crafting supplies, hand weights or exercise band for a quick workout, musical instruments, or anything else you want with you while at school.  
  • Decor: Make your room feel more like ‘you’ with some personal decorations. It’ll make your space a lot more welcoming and homey. Check to see if your dorm has any rules about decor but generally posters, tapestries, photo walls, fairy lights, plants, lamps, and pillows are a safe bet. They may require you to use adhesive hooks so there are no holes in the walls. And, just in case, bring at least one family photo if you’re ever feeling homesick.  

Every campus is different, so personalize this list based on your specific needs and preferences, ensuring you have all the little things that will make your college experience organized and enjoyable. 

Check Out More College Planning Resources

Getting ready for college means smart packing, focusing on necessities, and following your dorm's rules. Chatting with your roommates beforehand, making the most of what's available on campus, and being smart about what clothes to bring for different seasons can improve your college life. 

For more detailed guidance and resources on college preparation, explore ACT's additional resources to help you get organized and make a well-informed start to your college adventure. For more detailed guidance and resources on college preparation, explore ACT's additional resources to help you get organized and make a well-informed start to your college adventure.