ACT English Test Tips
English Test-Taking Tips:
- Be aware of the writing style used in each passage. When responding to a question, be sure to understand the context of the question. Consider how the sentence containing an underlined portion fits in with the surrounding sentences and into the passage.
- Examine the underlined portions of the passage. Consider the elements of writing included in each underlined portion.
- Note the questions with no underlined portions. Some questions will refer to the whole passage, so make sure you are paying attention to the overall message and writing style.
- Reread the sentence, using the answer you selected. Does the answer you selected make the most sense within the context of the passage?
Check out some of these helpful videos for English test-taking tips.

How to Turn a Fragment into a Sentence

Finding the Best Fit
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- An overview of the ACT test and what to expect on test day
- A full-length practice ACT test (including writing prompt)
- Answers and a scoring key for each test section
- A breakdown of the content covered in each test section
- General test-taking strategies
- Ways to approach each section of the ACT
Instructor Takeover: Preparing for the ACT
My Journey On-Demand Session
This session focuses on tips before and during the exam to help with studying and preparing for the exam, as well as how to combat anxiety that comes with standardized testing and tips to calm nerves.