Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Turbo Elementary

GRADE: K-2      LENGTH: 36 lessons per grade
GRADE: 3-5      LENGTH: 18 lessons per grade


Packed full of teacher-driven lessons, videos, and discussion guides, Turbo Elementary jumpstarts student success by equipping students with foundational SEL tools that enhance learning, classroom behavior, and students’ belief in their own academic skills.

Turbo Leader

GRADE: 6-8       LENGTH: 3 courses; 17 lessons per course

STANDARDS: National Standards (Health); Common Core (ELA & Math); ASCA; CASEL

Included in CASEL’s Effective SEL Programs Guide. The Turbo Leader curriculum, featured in CASEL’s Effective SEL Programs Guide, equips middle school students with essential skills for confidence, academic success, and relationship management. Turbo Leader I builds agency and a growth mindset, Turbo Leader II enhances student voice and coping strategies, and Turbo Leader III prepares students for high school transition.

Turbo Leadership

GRADE: 9-12      LENGTH: 16 lessons

STANDARDS: National Standards (Health); Common Core (ELA & Math); ESSA; Title IV Part A

High school students face new responsibilities, difficult decisions, and increased academic rigor. The Turbo Leadership course equips students with essential, research-based leadership skills like goal setting and growth mindset. By applying social and emotional strategies to real-life situations, students become effective leaders and improve performance, both in and out of school.

Critical Thinking & Study Skills

GRADE: 9-12      LENGTH: 19 lessons

STANDARDS: Aligns with ESSA Title IV, Part 4

High school brings academic challenges and rigorous standardized testing. This course provides students with a blueprint for academic success, focusing on success mindsets, effective study habits, and research-based test-taking strategies. It teaches the ACE method to boost performance on key exams like the ACT and other assessments.

College & Career Readiness

GRADE: 9-11      LENGTH: 25

STANDARDS: Aligns with ESSA Title IV, Part 4

This course empowers high school students to confidently navigate their college and career paths. It teaches research-based strategies for crafting strong college applications, finding financial aid, exploring post-graduation options, and setting clear career goals.

Community Involvement Skills

GRADE: 9-12      LENGTH: 52 lessons


In this course, students explore how social and emotional (SE) skills affect school, work, and personal lives. They apply these skills in team projects aimed at improving school culture and community, as they learn to organize tasks, communicate effectively, manage emotions, and overcome challenges. By the end, students reflect on their growth and leave with evidence-based SE skills applicable to all areas of life.

Super ELL Elementary

GRADE: K-5      LENGTH: 18 lessons

STANDARDS: Common Core National Standards, Appropriate for Newcomers, WIDA Levels 1-3, full audio and text translations in Spanish, Arabic and English

Super ELL Elementary empowers younger ELL students by fostering a growth mindset, building strong relationships, and promoting cultural pride while enhancing language skills. It supports blended learning with resources for Spanish and Arabic speakers and provides tools for parents and teachers.

Super Student

GRADE: 7-12; WIDA levels 2-3      LENGTH: 19 Lessons

STANDARDS: WIDA levels 2-3; video language summaries in Creole and Spanish

The Super Student course helps ELL students develop social and emotional skills for academic success, including stress management, time management, and goal setting. It focuses on advancing language acquisition and academic achievement. By course end, students will have the confidence to take charge of their academic futures.

Super ELL

GRADE: 7-12      LENGTH: 10 lessons

STANDARDS: WIDA levels 2-3; video language summaries in Creole and Spanish

Super ELL addresses the unique social and emotional needs of ELL students by teaching initiative, goal setting, and conflict resolution. With interactive self-checks and authentic assessments, the course supports ELL students in both dedicated and mainstream classrooms.

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