ACT Science Section Test Tips
Don’t just wait for the future to happen — build it before it gets here with an ACT STEM score.
The ACT Science section is not what you think...
The ACT science section tests your ability to use scientific reasoning more than just knowledge of specific science disciplines like biology or physics. The test passages present scientific topics but don't require specialized or advanced knowledge in any particular scientific field to do well on this part of the exam. There are 40 questions on the science test with 35 minutes to complete.
“The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2019–29 employment projections show that occupations in the STEM field are expected to grow 8.0 percent by 2029, compared with 3.7 percent for all occupations.” 2
The science section is designed to give you the opportunity to show colleges you know how to apply systematic reasoning, how to determine which information is important, and that you know how to use basic scientific resources like data, charts, and tables — no matter what the topic is. That’s because making progress and finding success in STEM fields is less about the answers you already know, and more about using scientific reasoning to uncover the right questions to ask next.
“Median wage and salary earnings are higher for those working in STEM than in non-STEM occupations, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or disability status.” 1
If you want to stand out for competitive STEM majors, the ACT test is the only college admissions exam that offers you a STEM score that puts a spotlight on your chops for math and scientific reasoning.
Check out our tips below to help you boost your ACT science section score!
1 National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2023. Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities 2023. Special Report NSF 23-315. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at
2 Alan Zilberman and Lindsey Ice, “Why computer occupations are behind strong STEM employment growth in the 2019–29 decade,” Beyond the Numbers: Employment & Unemployment, vol. 10, no. 1 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, January 2021),
ACT Science Tips
Read each passage carefully.
Before you begin answering a question, read the scientific material provided. It’s important to read the entire text and examine any tables, graphs, or figures associated with the question. You may want to make notes about important ideas in your test booklet.
Consider the
experimental design.
Some of the information sets will describe experiments. You should consider the experimental design, including the controls and variables, because questions are likely to address this component of scientific research.
Note the different viewpoints in passages.
Some material will present conflicting viewpoints, and the questions will ask you to distinguish among them. It may be helpful for you to make notes summarizing each viewpoint next to that section in the test booklet.
Quick Tips on Reading and Interpreting Data on the Science Test

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