

Work Tasks

DRAFTERS prepare technical drawings and plans used by production and construction workers to build everything from bicycles, toys, autos, spacecraft, industrial machinery, and other products, to houses, office buildings, hospitals, and other structures. They provide visual guidelines, show technical details, and specify dimensions, materials to be used, and procedures and processes to be followed. Final drawings contain a detailed view of an object or building from all sides, and other information needed to carry out the job.

Salary, Size & Growth

Entry Requirements

Employers prefer to hire DRAFTERS who have completed post-secondary school training in drafting. Technical institutes, vo-tec schools, community colleges, colleges and universities, and the armed forces offer drafting programs. Employers prefer those with well-developed drafting and mechanical drawing skills; knowledge of drafting standards, math, science, and engineering technology; and computer-aided drafting and design techniques. Courses in math, science, computer technology, design or computer graphics, and any high school drafting are important.